Bite-Sized Dramaturgy Consultation




In this offering, a writer sends along either general ideas or a partial offering of songs and scenes and receives a 45-minute consultation with an affiliate dramaturg via Zoom or another online platform. This is our dramaturgs’ version of the One-on-One offering, tailored to what you need from our experts on a limited scale or budget.

This offering is great for any partial dramaturgy consultation needs – be it a conversation to discuss themes/ideas and ask questions of a dramaturg before a script is fully formed OR a review of a partial portion of a script – a certain scene, song, or few scenes.

NOTE: This option has a limit to the amount of material that can be submitted for review and is best for smaller, more focused areas of your script, songs, or show. This can also be used for a touch-up or spot-check session after another of our script-related services. There is no written feedback offered in this option.

Potential Reasons to Select a Bite-Sized Dramaturgy Consultation:

  • I need to talk about the general concept of my show or an idea for a show.
  • I need specific feedback on a scene or song (or just a few).
  • I’m not ready for a full script review but still want expert insight.
  • I’m in early drafts and need the questions of a dramaturg to inspire ideas or a direction for continued writing.
  • I want to explore the possible themes of my show with another brain.
  • I want to pick an affiliate dramaturg’s brain about new musical writing.
  • I need help making sense of prior feedback for a potential rewrite.
  • I had a dramaturgical consultation already and just need another 45-minute session for touch-ups rather than a full session.

Materials to Send (Choose One Option):

OPTION ONE: Synopsis & Cover Letter – Best for shows not yet fully formed or general consults.
The synopsis should be a 1 page or less summary of your show. The cover letter should be a 1-2 page document where you tell us about your show in terms of what you are looking for in this session. Feel free to also share your personal artistic statement in this letter – what you’re interested in writing about and why or how you approach your work. You may also share a 1-2 page outline or brainstorming document of your ideas in addition to the synopsis and cover letter, if desired.

OPTION TWO: Show Materials Combination – Best for scene-and-song specific consults for the beginning stages of writing, for touch-up consultations after a period of significant development, or hyper-focused, selective dramaturgy for specific scenes and songs.
In this option, writers can send a combination of scenes and songs and a cover letter (see above) to be read before the video consultation.

  • 4 songs, no script
  • 3 songs, 10 pages of script
  • 2 songs, 20 pages of script
  • 1 song, 30 pages of script
  • simply 30 pages of script

In summation, the writer submits: a Synopsis & Cover Letter OR up to 4 items (10 pages = 1 item, 1 song = 1 item) and/or artistic statement as a cover letter.

You will be contacted after purchase to set up your session and be matched to an affiliate dramaturg. Bite-Sized sessions do not include a full script review.

For full script review options and written feedback options, please view our Professional Script Services. If you are seeking feedback on the musical composition of your songs, select one of our Music-Specific Services instead.

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